Dear World

I hate to break it to you but we can do better.

I love you just the way you are. I truly do.

But I want more for you. I see great things in you.

I also see you making excuses, and that's okay, because I'm learning to do less of that myself.

We are all human. We are all okay.

But can you imagine a version of the world where we do less of that?

Can you imagine a version of the world where instead of making excuses about why we can't get out of bed in the morning – we just got up and got excited to be here?

Can you imagine a version of the world where instead of making excuses about why we can't do that thing we really want to do – we got creative and made it happen anyway?

Can you imagine a version of the world where instead of making excuses about why we are limited to what we already have or have had, we actually do the work and realize those excuses and limitations were only stories?

People overcome significant burdens and struggles every day to become extraordinary.

No, it doesn't happen overnight but it starts with a change in thinking.

I can do this.

I am worthy.

I am loved.

I am capable.

I am brave.

I am ready.

What are you willing to change about yourself to live an extraordinary life?

You may not realize it now, but you probably don't wake up every morning saying “I can't wait to live a mediocre life with sub-par relationships today.”

So what do you actually want, world?

When is the last time you asked yourself that?

Why shouldn't you want an amazing life full of amazing relationships?

Because of the story you are telling yourself.


  • You can do this.

  • You are worthy.

  • You are loved.

  • You are capable.

  • You are brave.

  • You are ready.

And you are not alone.

It's a big ass world out here and being alone is just a story.

Being afraid is just a story.

Being small is just a story.

That excuse about why you can't is just a story.

Change the story.

Rewrite the book.

Change the way you think, love, and interact with the world.

The only one responsible for any of that is YOU.

So what are you waiting for?

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Becoming a better version of yourself is absolutely achievable, attainable, and not as hard as you are telling yourself it is.

Imagine a different quality of life where you are being who you are truly capable of being.

  • You wake up each morning excited to be here.

  • You have energy.

  • You have clear vision.

  • You have a clear mind.

  • You feel prepared and ready for anything.

  • You have the most amazing relationships.

  • You flow through your day with love and reverence for each moment in it.

  • You are appreciating and showing gratitude for what you have and where you are.

  • You deeply respect life and what it offers in each moment.

  • You have more options, possibilities, and freedom.

  • You know why you are doing what you are doing.

  • You have the drive inside of you to push on, even through difficulty and struggle.

  • You recognize opportunities for growth and change.

  • You know you are okay.

  • You know you are doing the best you can.

  • You know you will reach the end of your time here and have really lived it.

  • You know you have everything you need to live a good life.

  • You know change is inevitable.

No one wakes up and hopes today will be exactly the same as yesterday.

What reality do you want to create for yourself?

What future are you creating for yourself, world?

It's okay to want more.

It's okay to want better.

It's okay to feel like it's hard sometimes.

It's okay to struggle.

It's not okay to sit alone in silence wanting more but not trusting enough to do anything about it.

It's okay to ask for help.

It's not okay to give up when you get turned down.

The resources we look to for help may not be the ones we need.

They may not be ready.

They may not know how.

Keep reaching. Keep asking.

Keep learning. Keep trusting.

What is meant for you will find you but you have to let it.

You have to stay open to receiving, to loving, to trusting, to being.

When you are open, what is meant for you will come.

But you will not receive the message, the thing, the love, the person, the whatever if you are closed off to the world.

On this journey to trusting, being open, and living a better life there are so many little things that can be done along the way.

Things like:

  • drinking water

  • breathing – truly breathing

  • protecting our sleep

  • putting nourishing food in our mouths

  • surrounding ourselves with positive influences and resources

  • moving our bodies regularly

  • respecting our time and the time of others

  • respecting ourselves

  • learning to be aware of our own thoughts, biases, and habits

  • asking questions and getting curious

There are so many things we can do to look after ourselves and those around us.

And guess what? Most of us already know what they are.

We know we need to look after our bodies, minds, space, and relationships... but we don't.

We know we need to respect time and life and resources...but we don't.

So how can we be better? a universe and a can we be better?

How can we change ourselves to better serve the world and those around us?

That is the ultimate question.

What one thing can you do today, world, that will move you forward on a quest for better energy, meaning, and sense of freedom?

I trust and know that it will come to you and will continue to grow from that seed of a singular first action.

You can do this.

You are worthy.

You are loved.

You are capable.

You are brave.

You are ready.

I love you and I can't wait to watch you grow.

With all my open heart, handstands, and hula hoops,

Holly xoxo


From Terrified to Electrified